Friday, January 19, 2018

Bohemian Cinema

The Sims 4: Speed Build | Bohemian Cinema

Today i decided to build my own little community cinema and i hope you all enjoy the video.
I Also will upload Mass CC list of all of my speed builds sometime this week so don't worry.

  1. budgie2budgieMost of the food Clutter is from here
  2. sims4.aroundthesims3-Cup and Popcorn Clutter
  3. kiwisims4-Pillow
  4. kiwisims4Cute Canopy 
  5. Kresten 22-Southwest Pillow
  6. kyta1702-Pillows
  7. butterscotchsims-Bean Bag chair
  8. foreverdesigns-White Pillows
  9. loveratsims4-Folded Couch
  • 2nd Pic
  1. kiwisims4Candle In jar
  2. thingsbydean-Morroccan Candle Jar
  3. inabadromance-Paper Garland
  • 3rd Pic
  1. budgie2budgieMost of the food Clutter (ea food urned into objects)
  2. Popsicle-Sims-Table Cloths
  3. dominationkid-Soda Bottles
  4. noiranddarksims-Cotton Candy,candy apples
  5. sims4.aroundthesims3-Candy Jars,Ice cream Clutter
  6. jomsimscreations-Food Clutter
  7. deetron-Plant Boxes
  8. daer0ns-Food Clutter
  9. simsinmypocket-Wall paneling
  10. dreamteamsims-Milk Crate
  11. jools-simming-simlish Poster 
  12. dreamteamsims-Lemonade Sign
  13. Soloriya-Popcorn Bucket

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